The beginning
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there was a dad who worked in finance and who used to watch their sons play videogames. The boys played all sorts of games, although the dad would always check that they ware age-appropriate, their playing habits were reasonable, and playing time was limited. It was at the pinnacle of Wii and Mario Kart. Never were there conflicts or insurrections on their planet.
But a new chapter was to be opened after a visit to an exhibition about the history of videogames in Quebec, where the boys played anthological arcade games, such as Pong or Space Invaders. Then a time ensued which was all about collecting older consoles, games for portable consoles and the discovery of retrogaming. A whole new world.
PC games were the last stage of the gamer lives of the boys. There was nothing about consoles that attracted them anymore and thanks to the miracle of fibre optic internet, playing on their computers on their own gave way to online games.
The dad watched these developments and the speed at which his sons could adapt to new games and his interest was aroused. He wanted to get to know the videogame planet – something unheard of in adults, who usually believed that playing videogames was a waste of time. But the dad decided to share his sons’ passion, albeit in his own way, so he created an investment fund for e-Game & e-Sport.
The next chapter will be written with the advent of 5G and mobile phone games, which are set to conquer the world as we know it.